Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Clinton Calls For Private Meeting With Obama - Bad News!

Note this article is just opinion and idea-related. Obama and Clinton had a private, closed meeting. And why? Your guess is as good as my guess. And so here is my guess.

It is my opinion that Clinton wanted to meet with Obama to suggest that she become Vice President. And it is my opinion that the meeting was private to save face for Clinton. Well, in case Obama does not want Clinton as Vice President, no one will know if Clinton suggested it. Yes, we know in public that Clinton never mentioned that she wants to be Vice President, but think about this. If you were running for President and you knew that you had lost the election, would you not want the second-best job? Of course, most people probably would. And so what better way to have the job then to approach Obama now--?

Look at it this way. If Clinton is made Vice President that certainly adds to her resume, her career and to her future at least. And one of the most surefire ways for her to become Vice President is by talking up to Obama, having a nice personal, closed conversation with him regarding the Vice Presidency. Do you doubt this?

Think about this-- What in the world kind of topic would need to be discussed in private? None. All throughout this campaign, both candidates have been discussing issues, world issues, national issues, personal issues and family issues in PUBLIC. Everything that could have been brought out has been brought out. Anything and everything has been on the table out in the open. So what in the world would need to be private?

Any of these issues?

Obama's upcoming Presidency? Congratulations? No, this issue , or this congrats certainly can be done in public, correct?
Apologies for the flaws, mistakes and things that happened in Clinton's campaign or running of the campaign? No, this can be done in public also.
Discussion of the upcoming elections --the one where we will elect the President? No, Again, this is done in public. No reason for secrecy.
World affairs, national affairs, local affairs? No. Again , there is no secrecy for these issues to be discussed in private at all.
Clinton's grab or demand for the Vice Presidency? Now you have it. This is the ONLY issue that might be needed to be in private--for Clinton's sake only. And that is why I believe that their private meeting was only about Clinton becoming Vice President. It makes sense--to Clinton--to discuss that in private. And why? Because if Clinton mentions or asks for that in public, she can be refused in public. Also, by having the discussion in private she saves face. She can also ask, in private, that Obama not tell anyone that she has asked for the Vice Presidency. And , Obama, being a man of his word and of honor will honor that request. So, there is the only reason for any private discussion.

I know not much about politics but I know lots about people, psychology, press, publicity and marketing and this private meeting has all the earmarks of bad news for Obama. Bad news? I mean bad news in the respect that perhaps Clinton might be able to convince Obama in private to take her on as the future Vice President. I believe that in public, she has no chance of convincing him and she does not want the public to know that she truly does want the Vice Presidency. But going in private with her, just bad news. She will try her best to insist that she get the Vice Presidency. That was what her last meeting of all her thousands of followers was about. She wants him to see that she has a following and thus convince him to take her on.

I hope that he has no more private meetings with Clinton or any related opponents.

What would I would have done?

If I was Obama's advisor or Press Secretary, I would advise him to not have any private meetings with Clinton or with any one of his rivals affiliates or relatives. This makes sense. There is absolutely no need for any private meetings between them. It is so ridiculous since every other issue has already been hashed out in public, on television, in debates and in public meetings.

I always say, when it comes to opponents running for the same office, there is NOTHING that cannot be said in public -- unless one is trying to get something from the other one. Oh, did I mention that it was Clinton's idea to have the meeting, not Obama's idea? Some news reports only state that they are having a meeting and they left out the important fact that this private meeting was and is all Clinton's idea and suggestion.

What do you think?

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