Tuesday, 1 December 2009

Camera operation and Responsibility - Lesson Five, Television Production

Responsibility, a cameraman are limited, but they are still your responsibility. What does this mean for you? They are two completely different things - the operation of the camera and photography, when you talk about the community and operate a camera inside a studio. In the body of this article I have put a link to descriptions very good camera and the basics of using the guidelines for the study and field cameras there.

CameraThe operation is just that the camera crews are very important in all television productions. Finally, we get the shots to keep the pictures and you are all that must be corrected to correct. Without the camera operator, you need only an ordinary trial. They are the life behind the camera. You are the person that allows creativity in the shots. Yes, there are some shows that only a robot can use the camera, but the operation is limited. So, as a cameraman you have aimportant role in the television production.

Are the hands behind the car and if you have your eyes, your eyes are under the direction of the Director of the exhibition. What does this mean for you as a photographer? This means that you can be an awesome photographer and continue to produce bad shots, if you work under the direction of someone who is not a photographer. In the study, while TV programs, the director, who is in the control room calling all the shots. Some directorsin full, and the operator of the camera is not allowed to use his mind and eyes to change registration or to experiment. Some shows may not use the director and the talent of a professional photographer that the camera is running and to instruct the Director of the photographer, the first time can get the best shot to do it (although this particular camera is not scheduled) . So if you're a photographer who wants to control all your meticulous records themselves do not like a cameraOperators in a television studio.

We are the foundations for the functionality of the camera and the basics start with security camera, operator safety, and having the knowledge to know who is responsible for the show / shots.

Cameras and responsibilities:

Most are in the studio is best for the executive producer of robotic cameras to face. The candidate will be responsible, as executive producer for the study, including robotics, so that the responsibility for takingseriously. If these robots must be moved to the floor, then you can move them. You can open the first studio and robotics and move them wherever you want.

Control to ensure that all cameras and all the work, not restricted, and the point.

Do not place liquids in the studio or in the vicinity of the cameras.

Before moving or adjusting the camera, make sure the camera is unlocked. Check allLocks. (The same positioning of the cameras again at the end of production. (Cameras Lock and replace all caps). I propose that only the executive producer responsible for the entire production Robotics cameras tend to move when it comes to arrive in the studio. She is responsible, as executive producer and these cameras are very sensitive.

Never let your children near the equipment in the studio. The children stayed in the locker room, whileThe study is set to hold a person with children in the wardrobe. I recommend that if children study in the construction of an adult is with them always be present. The studio is equipped with apparatus for large, heavy and dangerous, the safety of all children (if) per guest, guest, or children of talent, guests, hosts or producers to have adults accompany them throughout the study.

If you want to set the camera nearup the object you are photographing and to focus at this point farthest from the camera. When I focus the camera, I have always concentrated on the subject's eyes. This is a preference for me. Others focus on the curtains or draperies in the studio. Everyone has their own opinion, depending on what they want to achieve. If you focus clearly, then bring the zoom in any image that is desired (or long shot or head and shoulders will, etc.). On this siteguidelines for comprehensive management of the camera - http://www.cybercollege.com/tvp017.htm This site provides basic information on the cameras, you have done this check box and then go to the next lesson in this site for more information.

Inside and outside the studio:

Watch where you walk. There are no cables throughout the study. Not want to connect cables or tripping over their own or someone else. Always know where the cables. Asking someone to wander XLRfirst hand and require less cable to have problems with.

If you forget to put the cameras in a position, if not the camera cable to concentrate. Instead of the cable twist here and there, and cameras that watch for the cable before the cameras, and you have fewer problems if, finally, the positioning of cameras.

After production is finished, is (as camera operator) is responsible for moving the camera backoriginal position and lock the camera. (Check all blocks, not just one). You are the person who once again to restrict the lens. It is your responsibility to ensure that no liquids or other harmful elements are placed near or on the camera. If there are children in the study, living room with the camera and make sure that children do not touch the camera or device.

Away from home, traveling on the ground is a good place to take pictures, but knowing that the risk is greatoutside. Once in the field with cameras, knowing that there are people who are shooting outdoors to be targeted to steal cameras and devices. And 'your responsibility to remain as a cameraman with the camera and make sure nobody touches or else takes the camera. Always wear big plastic bag around the camera (only in case of rain cover) for sale. There are special plastic bags that go beyond the camera the camera in the rain and even if the camera inside of this bag, the photographerstill filming. The hand in his pocket and the camera is fully protected from the weather. (These bags are expensive but not more expensive than a replacement for a camera full. We took the bag to Long Island for twenty dollars for a two-pack. You can probably buy cheaper in New York somewhere.)

Outside the studio, especially in parks or dirt, check the stands. Sometimes, when the soil surface is uneven, it is necessaryPlease check and make sure the tripod is stable. Never leave the camera tripod at a remote machine. Someone can receive calls on, and one might be tempted to walk and talk. However, if you leave out the camera and something happens to it, you are fully responsible for the replacement of the camera. Then, you stick with it.

Outside the studio and in the studio, the only certified manufacturer can handle or touch the camera. If you know that was a particular manufacturerbe banned or suspended, then you must make sure that these producers do not access the study material or cameras. When you run out of the study on Field Productions, always Take care of the person, the cameras and equipment can be observed at all times. If you are outdoors, no matter where they shoot, there will always be people who would love to get my hands on a camera, if this camera thieves or children who are curious to production. If you need morePeople in all, (manufacturers certificates) must be as a security to be responsible for all equipment and cameras.

Remember, what you're there. In the field, you can create a concert or other benefits. Note that you will be left to a professional there. They are not there to have fun, but for the economy. Take seriously your work with great responsibility.

If you want to be a field producer and executive producer, that the selection listCamera and camera features on the show, the decline of this task. You can tell the executive producer to help you point the camera as an operator, but you can not just its crew. In the past I have worked in many areas of entertainment and I've never taken the construction equipment study. Think of it as an executive producer is not responsible enough to pick up, for your own equipment, so you should be responsible for this? Many times a producer who is new to thinkthat to do so. However, this is not the rule. I recommend leaving all the executive producers are looking for their equipment and return their equipment.

At the end of all studio productions replace all the capacitors, the cameras back to their original position to lock all the locks, and then ask others if they need help. This is a team effort. Helping to contribute, if after you handle your camera. There are many wonderful web site providing comprehensive informationon camera operation and other information on the study and display content. Check them all on the web. Read as much as possible on the operation of the camera and photography. We have a wonderful series of books on photography. To learn more about Studio Photography can improve your experience, and in this book that you can learn or refresh your memory on the camera position, lighting and other aspects Studio. If you need information on where to take a course on television production,Send our free newsletter.

Listen To Yourself: There was once a camera in the studio, which has been slipping. Yes, it was kept closed properly, but slips. Would set does not boast the amount, either. I made this example as another example of listening to your feelings, no matter what anyone says. During pre-production, when I adjust the camera, with a focus etc, I noticed that the camera slipped and not to the level that I wanted to keepstop working. I said that the director of the show. The Sound Guy is cleared and the doors as if we did not know that the director and camera operator and a photographer like you, or block a camera. He pushed a lock, and said it is set. And he went again. I slid the car and checked the camera within a minute after he had left. He did not think the camera slipped and insisted that it was okay to use. The Executive Director, for the wisdomwas and to know that slides into the camera, told me to use the camera more. I did. They left the camera the other for shooting wide. Could not influence the camera, because it kept slipping or say, would never have heard the sound guy, dass (Be ', which was the same guy who said the spelling was wrong, wrong on another show. He insisted that the name was correct, but I discovered that was wrong. Fortunately, I noticed that I said earlier in CGProgram).

Hearing yourself when you know that something is wrong, you stick with your decision first. Let yourself) from someone who sounds like he knows what he is talking to the flu. This is what I'm talking about (in other articles, that if you are a person who thinks he knows everything, and he insists that he is right, can have a wreck that show little piece by piece. Other manufacturers listen to his words, just because it "sounds" official, and only because back.But both times, who has insisted that he was right, was totally wrong. Fortunately for me, I can not use the manufacturer to all my shows, in all circumstances. But at this point, I think that I am not with him at all workplaces. You can not work effectively with a producer who insists that they are right when they are obviously wrong. If you know for sure that a camera is smooth, then it is slipping and there is no possibility of another camera operator or sound may deter GuySlipping hazard. (This particular camera has slipped, and other times simply will not be used).

For photographers will recognize many different instructions and descriptions of all types of cameras in this site you will find listed at the end of this paragraph. Although these cameras are no cameras in the studio, this site is a great advantage for you. Many other camera manufacturers in addition to the studio cameras and usually there are questions about the care, preservation and operation of various typescameras. And for photographers, for those who are more interested in photography, I recommend the books by John Hedgecoe. John did a great job teaching photography to everyone. Find his books in the library or in bookshops. And for the functionality of the camera, here is a link that will help you with that camera.

This is just the beginning effective with cameras and other manufacturers. Here is a website (which are not associated withside) which will give more technical information about the features of the camera and in other areas of studio production.

Updated April 14, 2008

Thanks To : Thermal Camera SIP Trunking Ink Cartridges For Printers

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