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Just because it might rain, that is not a good reason to cancel your trip or to refrain from camping. You can do it, and the kids will love it.
Here are some guidelines on how to have a great camping trip, with children, babies, toddlers, and children of all ages, in the RAIN! This article is about camping out with children, babies and other all-age children while you are experiencing bad weather, rain, storms etc.
First, the average reader would be thinking, why camp out in the rain? The answer to that is obvious. As humans, we camp out with children, throughout the season, and we have no control over weather. So, you might be out camping on a very beautiful day, and all of a sudden encounter an unnanounced, unpredicted rainstorm or other bad weather. Yes, you could have checked the weekly weather and known about storms or rain ahead of time, but the fact is that weather happens. And weather happens whenever it wants to happen, not just when the weatherman predicts it will happen.
So, you may or may not be caught in a storm, or rainy day during one of your longer camping trips. The way to make everything a great experience is to prepare ahead of time for that bad weather or storm. And, as an experienced camper, I share some ideas, thoughts and suggestions with you in the hopes that you might take what you need and leave what you do not need.
I write this article, not to frighten, but rather to prepare you for everything and anything, so that you will have a great camping experience in the rain and in the storms. Why do I really write this though? I mean, the obvious answer is to make your camping trip shorter and just go home when it begins to rain. Surely that would solve the problem of bad weather if you have already enjoyed most of your camping trip. But, what would you benefit of that if you had just started your trip and had not begun to enjoy anything yet? If you just pack up and go home, your camping trip might be considered a waste of time, since you came there to enjoy nature and to relax and enjoy the state park or private campgrounds. So, this article is for you, so that you will be prepared for any type of weather in your campgrounds.
Now, the preparation begins before you even make the reservation for camping. Yes, it begins that early. For example, if you are camping out and it begins to rain, or storm, you know that below your tent it will be very wet, and if you are camping out, your tent or tarp underneath will be very muddy. Yuck! Who wants a tent that is full of mud, even if it is the bottom of the tent floor? So, the way that you prevent that --before making your reservation-- is by choosing your particular campsite, within the campgrounds, and also by carefully choosing your campgrounds. In New York State, you have many choices of very different natural states, state parks and private campgrounds. If you are choosing to camp with children, toddlers or babies, you might do well to choose private campgrounds or family campgrounds. At these places, usually, they have all the comforts of home. Many of them have indoor rooms, that are packed with games, video games, and other things specifically for children. Most of them have pools and some have sprinklers that the children can play under. Most of them have the stores that will sell you everything from charcoal to umbrellas to cereal and other daily items. And even some have an internet connection. Many of them have activities for children and some even have babysitting services. So, as a family or as adults camping with children, babies or toddlers, your first choice, the choice of a campgrounds might be your most important choice.
So, say you decide to rough it, at a state park instead of going to a family campgrounds, can you still be comfortable in a storm or bad weather? Yes, and again, you choose before you get there and that makes all the difference in the world. For example, at one state park in New York, Wildwood State Park in Long Island, NY, you have choices of where to camp out. And your first choice is location --which would be either right near the restrooms or near the office or further out into the civilized wilderness (I say civilized because there are no dangerous wild animals there, like bears). You will see some deer, ahh, closeup with nature. So, you choose your location. If you are camping with children, perhaps camping not too far from the restrooms is in order. But your second choice, after you choose the location is choosing the kind of campsite that you want. This choice is most important in storms and in bad weather or just in case. If you are camping with older children, you might love the choice of having a campsite that has a platform, a wooden platform. Having this platform to set your tent up on is wonderful! You get past all the dirt, and the insects that normally would be climbing under your tent, and you basically have a clean platform, a natural wooden platform to set your temporary home on . Some campsites in other campgrounds might even have concrete platforms; those are usually for the dining areas. If you try setting your tent up on concrete you might realize you have more aching bones in your back the next day, so opt for the dirt instead of concrete.
Now, for the stormy part, you will have prepared ahead of time and packed some of these luxury items --when it comes to camping, these are not necessities but considered luxuries to campers that rough it. You can pack small portable televisions that run on batteries, and pack tv-radios, some child electronic games, some electronic books -- all with plenty of batteries. And perhaps the best idea is the crank-type radios that need no batteries. The kids will have fun taking turns cranking it up. I hear you, you are sitting there saying, hey, I came here to enjoy nature and to camp out, not to do what we can do at home! But wait, when I cam saying bring these things, I am not saying bring them, keep them handy where the kids can see them, but I am saying stash them in a secret bag that no one knows you have brought along. Your stash bag contains those items plus coloring books, crayons and some battery-lights. You can even bring along small keyboards for music. Do not worry, your neighbors will not mind the music if they are just hearing the sounds of the storm. Your music might be music to their ears!
So, first, this is your emergency camping bag, for your emergencies during the storm. This is not your first aid bag , but a separate bag just for activities for children and babies.
And, the most important thing about using this bag is that it is kept for this mild-storm emergency, in other words, if there is a mild rain, not thunder and lightening, but just a mild rainstorm, you can use these things to pass the time. Here is what you do, you use the items to pass the time, and then spend some time traveling to a fast food restaurant, preferably one that has a playroom. So you and the children will be happy and you will have things to do and you will be out of the rainstorm.
In the event of thunder or lightning, plan an unexpected trip to the nearest mall, and you will be safe indoors and you can browse the bookstores, and have dinner or breakfast at the mall. Spending a few hours there and the storm will almost be done. By doing this, your camping trip is saved. You have a little diversion, the children are happy AND you still have your tent standing and ready for your camping experience with nature.
I have used the mall-method once, when we camped out. We had a few hours at the campgrounds, and it was near dinner time and we had not yet set up the bbq. It started to rain, and I turned on the radio to find out that this rain was turning into a storm. I knew the storm would not last long, but I knew also that we did not want to sit in a tent under the trees while the lightening passed us by. That would be too dangerous. So, we got in the car and went to the nearest mall --instead of packing up all our gear and heading home, we saved the camping trip by just spending some time at the mall until it was safe to go back to the state park. Once back at the park, we were back to nature and we had a very awesome camping experience. At night it began to rain again, even though the storm was over. We just hung out in the tent, with our little lights, reading books and talking. We did have a great time, and it did not matter that our camping trip happened to be during a very real, horrible rainstorm, with lightning and thunder. We got through it and we had a good life experience.
Okay, right about now, some still might be thinking, YUCKK! , but the true campers are saying, YES! one camping trip saved! All I am saying is not to be scared and not to run off out of the campgrounds with all your bags packing at the sight of rain or at the sound of possible storms. Yes, by all means stay safe. Never, ever stay under the trees or in the state park if there is lightning and thunder. Yes, the time to get out is before it all happens. And if you plan your trip right, before you even leave the house, you can manage any storm, and still be safe and still enjoy a good camping experience.
In summary, here is a list of possible things to pack when going on a camping trip --using tents, while planning for that just-in-case storm:
Plastic tarps; these always come in handy, rain ponchose, small umbrellas, ziploc bags, food storage bags.
Individual plastic radios, or walkmans, mp3 players, electronical entertainment, games, nintendo ds, etc. Keep these in the car, not in the tents, when it is not storming. Do not store valuables inside your tent especially when you are not there.
Lots of coloring books, blank paper, crayons, pencils and pens, markers, and creative crafting items.
Extra water bottles, juice bottles, formula for babies, lots of cloths, diapers, bibs, wipes, creams, and everything else baby needs.
Baby pop-up tents for areas that have lots of mosquitos, bug spray and insect repellent for older children and adults.
Sleeping bags. Bring sleeping bags even in warm weather. You would be surprised how quickly the weather can change in the state parks and forests.
Grippers or Gophers, when camping with children these are great -as a help and as a game. Save your back and use the Grippers.
Cable ties; Do you want to keep younger children from going in and out of the tent 2,000 times a day. Take what you need out and then cable tie the zipper of the tent. Let them enjoy the outdoors fully while camping.
Set up a child pop-up tent for the younger children, right alongside your family tent. They can use this to play, and that saves your larger tent. They can go inside and outside this smaller tent as much as they want and you do not have to tell them to make sure the door is shut. It is their tent - for the day. At night, you sleep in the larger family tent together.
I think that one of the best things you can do for children is to let them get WET! Yes, let go, and say it is okay to be out in the rain if it is a little sprinkle. They will not melt. We have all seen those light sprinkling rains where it feels like a mist, and it is just wonderfully refreshing, especially in the forest or state park. As long as you have enough clean, dry clothes for later, then walking in the rain can be a great camping activity, as long as there is no lightning and no thunder. Do what is safe, and remember to do what is fun also.
Those are some of the things that will make your camping experience easier and more organized. I would love to hear from you if you have any more great ideas about camping in storms or camping with children, babies and toddlers. I welcome all comments.
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Responsibilities of being a camera operator are limited but they are still your responsibilities. What does it all mean to you? These are two totally different things - Camera Operation and photography, when you are speaking of community access television and operating a camera inside of a studio. In the body of this article, I have placed a link that gives excellent camera descriptions and basic use operations guidelines for studio and field cameras.
Camera operation is just that. Camera operators are very important in all television productions. After all you will get the shots, hold the shots and you will correct anything that should be corrected. Without the camera operator, you will just have an ordinary operation. You are the life behind the camera. You are the person that allows creativity in shots. Yes, there are some shows that can use just a robotics camera, but that operation is limited. So, as a camera operator you have an important role in television production.
You are the hands behind the camera and though you have eyes, your eyes are under the direction of the Director of the show. What does this mean to you as a photographer? It means that you can be an awesome photographer and yet still produce bad shots if you are acting under someone's direction who is not a photographer. In the studio, while doing television shows, the Director who is in the control room calls all the shots. Some Directors take full charge and the camera operator is not allowed to use his mind or eyes to change the shots or do any experimentation. On some shows, the Director can and does use the talents of a professional photographer who is operating the camera and the Director will instruct the photographer, ahead of time, to get the best shots he can get (while that particular camera is not on program). So, if you are a fussy photographer who wants to control all of your own shots, do not work as a camera operator inside a television studio.
There are basics to camera operation and the basics begin with safety of the camera, safety of the operator, and having the knowledge to know who is in charge of the show/shots.
Cameras and Responsibility:
Most times, in the studio, it is best for the executive producer to handle the robotics cameras. You, as the executive producer are responsible for the studio, including the robotics, so take that responsibility seriously. If these robotics need to be moved across the floor, then you move them. You can be the first one inside the studio and uncap the robotics and move them to where you want them.
Examine all cameras and make sure they are all working, uncapped and in place.
Bring no liquids in the studio or near the cameras.
Before moving or adjusting any cameras, check to see that the camera is unlocked. Check all locks. (Do the same when placing the cameras back at the end of the production. (Lock cameras and replace all caps). I suggest that only the Executive Producer in charge of the entire production tend to the robotics cameras -when it comes to moving them in the studio. You, as the Executive Producer are responsible and these cameras are very fragile.
Never allow any children near the equipment inside the studio. Have the children stay in the dressing room while the studio is being set up and have someone stay with the children in the dressing room. I strongly suggest that when children are in the studio building that an adult always be present with them. The studio is packed with large, heavy and dangerous equipment; for the safety of all children (whether they be guests, hosts or children of talent, guests, hosts or producers), adults must accompany them everywhere in the studio.
When you are setting up the camera, close in on the object that you are photographing and focus at that point farthest from the camera. When I am focusing the camera, I always focus on the eyes of the subject. That's a preference for me. Others focus on the draperies or curtains in the studio. Everyone has their own opinions, depending on what they want to accomplish. Once you focus clearly, then bring the zoom all the way out to the desired picture that you want (either wide shot, or head and shoulder etc). See this website for complete camera operation guidelines - That website gives you basic information about cameras; you will need to check this out and then go on to the next lesson at that website for more details.
Inside and Outside the Studio:
Watch where you walk. There are cables all over the studio. You do not want to step on cables or trip yourself or someone else. So always know where the cables are. Have someone tape down XLRs before hand and those will be less cables to have problems with.
When you place cameras in position, remember to focus on where the camera cables are. Instead of twisting cables here and there under and over cameras, watch for the cables first , before moving the cameras and you will have less hassle when finally positioning the cameras.
After the production is over, you (as camera operator) is in charge of moving the camera back into original position and locking the camera. (Check all locks, not just one). You are the person responsible for capping the lens back up. And you are responsible to make sure that no liquids or other damaging items are placed near or on the camera. If there are children in the studio, stay with your camera and make sure that no children touch the camera or equipment.
Outside the studio, on field trips, is a good place to take pictures, but know that the risk is great outside. Once you are in the field with cameras, know that there are people outdoors who come to shoots specifically to steal cameras and equipment. It is your job as camera operator to stay with your camera and to make sure that no one else touches or takes your camera. Always bring large clear plastic bags to cover the camera with (just in case it rains). There are special plastic camera bags that go over the camera in rain and even while the camera is inside of this bag, the photographer can still take videos. The hand goes inside the bag and the camera is completely protected from the weather. (These bags are expensive but not as expensive as replacing an entire camera. We picked the bag up in Long Island for twenty dollars for a two-pack. You probably can buy them cheaper in New York City somewhere).
Outside the studio, especially in parks or on dirt, double-check the tripods. Sometimes when the ground surface is uneven, you need to double-check and make sure that the tripod is stable. Never leave your camera/tripod unattended during any outdoors shoot. Someone can call you over, and you might be tempted to go and speak. However if you leave your camera and something happens to it, you are fully responsible for camera replacement. So, stick with it.
Outside the studio and inside the studio, only certified producers may handle or touch the camera. If you know that a particular producer has been banned or suspended, then you need to make sure that this producer has no access to any of the studio's equipment or cameras. When you are outside the studio, doing field productions, always take extra care that someone is watching the cameras and equipment at all times. When you are outdoors, no matter where you are shooting, there will be people who might love to get their hands on a camera, whether that be camera theives or children who are curious about the production. If you have extra people around, (certified producers) assign one as security to be responsible for all the equipment and cameras.
Remember what you are there for. In the field, you may be at a concert, or some other performances. Remember that you are a professional there on assignment. You are not there for fun but for business. Take your job seriously with great responsibility.
If you are a field producer and an executive producer wants you to pick the camera up and deliver the camera to the show, decline this task. Tell the executive producer that you can help with the show as camera operator but you cannot pick up his equipment. In the past, I have worked on very many field shows and I have never picked equipment from the studio building. Think about it this way, if an executive producer is not responsible enough to pick his own equipment up, then why should you be responsible for doing that? Many times a producer, who is new, might think that they have to do this. However, that is not the rule. I recommend that you let all executive producers pick their own equipment up and return their own equipment.
At the end of all studio productions, replace all the caps, return cameras to their original positions, lock all the locks, and then ask anyone else if they need help. This is a team operation. So help where you can help after you wrap up your own camera. There are many wonderful website that give full information about camera operation and other information about studio and field shows. Check them all out on the web. Read as much as you can about camera operation and about photography. Kodak has a wonderful series of books about photography. Reading about photography can enhance your studio experience; it is in these books that you will learn or refresh your memory about camera position, lighting and other studio aspects. If you want information about where to take a course on television production, send for our free newsletter.
Listen To Yourself: One time there was a camera in the studio that was slipping. Yes, it was properly locked but it kept slipping down. It would not maintain the height that it was set at. I give this example as another example of listening to your own gut feelings, no matter what anyone else says. During the pre-production as I was setting the camera, focusing etc, I noticed that the camera was slipping and would not hold at the height that I wanted it to hold at. I mentioned that to the Director of the show. The sound guy came over and adjusted the locks -as if we, the Director and myself, the camera operator and a photographer did not know how to use or lock a camera. He adjusted one lock and said, there it is set. And he walked away immediately. I checked the camera, and the camera slipped within a minute or so after he had left. He did not believe the camera was slipping and insisted that it was okay to use. The Director, having wisdom and knowing that the camera was slipping, said for me to use the other camera. I did that. They left the other camera for the wide shot. They could not control the other camera because it kept slipping yet, still you would not hear the sound guy say that. (Now this was the same guy who said that the incorrect spelling was wrong -on another show. He insisted that the name was correct, yet I found out it was spelled wrong. Luckily I found that out before I put it into the cg program).
Listen to Yourself; when you know that something is wrong, stick with your first decision. Do not be swayed by someone who sounds like he knows what he is talking about. This is what I am speaking about (in other articles) , that when you have one person who thinks that he knows it all and he insists that he is correct, that can ruin a show little bit by bit. Other producers will listen to his talk just because he "sounds" official, and just because he will not back down. Yet, on both occasions that he insisted he was right, he was totally wrong. Luckily for me, I do not use this producer on any of my shows-under any circumstances. But at this point, I am thinking that I do not want to work with him at all. You cannot effectively work with a producer who insists that they are right when they are obviously incorrect. If you know for sure that a camera is slipping, then it is slipping and there is no way another camera operator or sound guy can stop it from slipping. (This particular camera has slipped other times and they have simply not used it).
For photographers, you will find many different instructions and descriptions of all types of cameras at this website, listed at the end of this paragraph. Although these cameras are not studio cameras, this site can be a great benefit to you. So many producers use other cameras besides the studio cameras and there usually are questions regarding the care, storage and operation of different kinds of cameras. And for photographers or for anyone who is interested in learning more about photography, I suggest the books by John Hedgecoe. John does an excellent job of teaching photography to anyone and everyone. Find his books at the library or at most bookstores. And for camera operation, here is a link that will help you with that, camera link.
That is just the beginning of working effectively with cameras and with other producers. Here is a website (we are not affiliated with this site) that will give your more technical information on camera operation and other areas of studio production.
Updated April 14, 2008
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It's raining cats and dogs. I am not talking about the weather. For sure, I am speaking quite literally about the topic of cats and dogs. Quite a while back I had the opportunity to visit a NYCACC - a place where stray cats and dogs are picked up, sheltered, vaccinated and passed on to people who want to adopt them. Back then I had no idea of what the animal population in my city or country was. Soon enough I began learning about it and I was quite pleased to know that I did more than save a cat's life when I chose to adopt. Silly as this seems, I probably saved generations of cats and kittens by my one action of adopting rather than buying an animal.
Here are some facts that you might not yet be aware of:
Did you know?
Each day 10,000 humans are born in the US. And each day 70,000 puppies and kittens are born. As long as these birth rates exist, there will never be enough homes for all the animals. As a result, millions of healthy, loving cats dogs, kittens, and puppies face early deaths as a form of animal control. Others are left to fend for themselves against automobiles, the elements, animals and cruel humans. What can you do to stop the suffering? Spay and neuter your pets! Work with SPAYUSA and together we can make a difference. An unspayed female dog, her mate, and all of their puppies, if none are ever neutered or spayed, add up to: in 1 year 16 animals, 2 years 128 animals, 3 years five hundred and twelve animals, 4 years equals 2048, 5 years twelve thousand two hundred and eighty eight. In six years, those animals will have produced over sixty-seven thousand animals from that one family.
That quote is directly from Spay USA.
As long as you keep buying animals instead of adopting animals, you become part of the problem. If you are considering having an animal enter into your family's space, kindly consider adopting that animal instead of going to a store to pick out the animal. Always opt for adoption. By opting for adoption, you are saving an animal's life.
Here's how to Adopt:
Find an adoption center near you and go there.
Ask recommendations from friends. Perhaps they know someone who is giving up a dog or cat for adoption.
Prepare your home before the animal arrives. (Buy a pet dish, cleaning supplies and everything that your animal should receive in when that pet is adopted.
Put a free advertisement in the newspaper stating that you would like to adopt.
Check your community yellow pages and make sure your writing is connected
Put a free advertisement in a local paper, stating that you are available for local adoption of an animal
There are hundreds of ways to prepare you and your pet for an adoption event.
Important Safety Note: If you are animal lovers, pet owners for anyone who knows someone who owns pets, kindly pass on this word that no one should pet cats or dogs on leashes, indoors or outdoors. So many pets die or are put in danger when they are on a leash outdoors and left unattended. If your pet is on a leash, you should be there with them. If not, your pet can become strangled by his own leash. When dogs are on leashes outdoors and left unattended, some of them are attacked by wild animals (squirrels, oppossums, raccoons) and could be killed by them. Also, some of these wild animals can have rabies. So by leashing animals and leaving them unattended, you are putting your pets in great danger.
Other Safety Notes: Keep chocolate away from animals. I have heard that some have bad reactions to it and also that chocolate is fatal to dogs. (I am not sure about cats). Grapes are fatal to cats. A long time ago I had a cat who loved salad. He just loved the salad. And one day I was giving the salad to him and was offering him a grape that came inside the fruit salad. He backed away from the grape as if it was a predator. It surprised me because he loved natural foods. It wasn't until years later that I read in some vet's office that cats should not have grapes because they can be fatal to cats. Wow. This cat knew what was not good for him. He won't go within feet of a grape. It is amazing how God created creatures, in such a way that even though they have no scientific knowledge, their bodies know what is good for them and what is not good. Even man has that built in power - to know what is good and what is not good. Remember your first cigarette? You probably choked and choked but went on to keep smoking anyway. Hey, Bud, that choking was a warning that cigarettes are fatal to human beings. But, we, unlike cats, decide to go against our nature and our health, if we continue to smoke. So, today, having nothing at all to do with cats and animals, do yourself a favor and stop doing the things that your body says are wrong to do. You will be happy that you did yourself that favor.
Remember, adopting a pet is helping to save the world, save animals and save lives. Make your next stop to an adoption place or to a shelter. Today , all over the world, puppy mills are churning out puppies and dogs that are not healthy. Why help support them? Help support the little animals that are already here and you can make a difference in someone's life.
Article updated May 27, 2008.
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You are a winner. How? By following one simple set of instructions you can be and you are a winner in life. Now , you balk at that sentence and wonder how following one small bit of advice can make you a winner but yet you are still reading here. Good for you! You are a winner and you remain a winner, and in a few small sentences I am going to tell you the secret.
Now I have read this secret in more than one book; I have heard the secret in real life. I have even walked in on conversations about the topic. So what do you think the advice is about? Are you imagining it is about health? Is it about your diet or your exercise program? What in the world could this one bit of instruction be that can change your life for the better? Again, this is not a book review, but I must tell you that I read one single sentence inside of a paperback book and immeditely knew the value of that sentence. I was reading Inner Simplicity by Elaine St James, and I came across this helpful page. Now, I had already done this page in real life; I was already successful at achieving my goal regarding this one bit of advice that Elaine offers on page 128. But I re-read the advice just for one reason. I was sure that it would be helpful to someone online here who is reading my articles. In fact, I was sure that this bit of advice is most helpful to almost anyone that reads it. So I share it here with you. (And one note also, the reason why this article is not a book review is because the book is about 227 pages and yet, my article is only about one sentence in the book). So my article gives my opinions, feelings and my ideas and just touches on one single sentence in this book.
I bring this interesting and helpful sentence to you under the fair use doctrine of the copyright laws. Here it is, and I quote: Choose to Ignore an Insult. That is it. It is as simple as that.
Choose to ignore an Insult.
Are you aware of the power of that sentence and of the power that it brings to your own life if you choose to follow this simple advice? You are in charge of your life when you use that advice. No one else can take advantage of you once you put this principle into your life. You are in charge. So in the future when you meet up with insulting, angry individuals, remember those words,
Choose to ignore an insult!
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Sometimes life gives you lemons and you have to just make do with what you have. But if you pause, get in your zen space and really think about things, talk things out with people and get different ideas from brainstorming, you might, just might come up with something that you can use to your benefit. So, in doing such a thing, just talking about internet connections and talking about the horrible speed of dial-up and things like that, someone that I know gave me the idea of looking for free wireless rather than subscribing to a wireless service and paying about thirty dollars or more a month.
So how do you do that -if you do not want to spend the money and if you still want something faster than dial-up? Where do you look?
Answer- go to any of your public libraries. (Possibly your private libraries or school libraries might offer this same free service. You can begin your free wireless connection through the library as long as you are in the library ). So become a book-bug and head off into the nearest library to enjoy the great fast speed of braodband and DSL, without paying the bigger price of it. Right now, you can connect by wireless (If you have a wireless card in your computer -and most modern laptops have that already) at the New York Public Libraries and at the Brooklyn Public Libraries in Brooklyn, Staten Island and all the boroughs. Most likely you can do that at any library. Just check with the librarian, for more information . I will write another article giving specific instructions on how to do the connection -at a later date.
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Was it a threat? If the title got your attention, I wonder why? Do you know the meaning of that phrase? Does anyone know the meaning of it? Wow. When I first heard it, it surely sounded as a threat. I am not saying that it was a threat, I am saying it "sounded" like one. No need to jump to conclusions. Yet, I would have loved to respond to those words, perhaps questioned them, but I did not. But think it over. You are talking about dead men and you are saying dead men don't talk. Well of course, technically dead mean don't talk but there is so much more to it than that.
I was sitting in the lobby, right out in public, and the person at the computer was on the cellular phone also. He kind of laughed and then said in a stern voice, Dead men don't talk! Was his laughter to lighten the words or was it to emphasize the words? Or was the laughter to get away with the threat? Or was he just talking about a movie? Ahh, but you should have heard the voice, the inflection, the tone; it surely did not sound as if this was about a movie. The gentlemen who uttered those words was not whispering, and was not speaking in a confidential tone of voice. You have probably seen people on cellular phones when they speak. They go either one way or the other. They either speak very quietly to have a personal conversation (rarely) or they are speaking loudly into the phone,knowing that anyone and everyone around them can hear their conversation. That one single phrasesounded so much like a threat , but to whom? There wasn't anyone around except me, and at a great distance there was the security guard.
PRIVACY NOTE: Cellular phone users usually demand privacy when they are speaking on their cellular phones, and they usually expect that privacy even when they are speaking on the cellular phone in public. Most times, this is a reasonable expectation or request. However, there are so many times when cellular phone users cannot and should not expect privacy in their cellular phone conversations. These are the times that your phone use and your phone call will not be private:
You are speaking in a public place on a cellular phone and you are speaking in a loud or very loud tone.
You are speaking in a public place (i.e. business, bus, train, school etc), and your guest (the person on the other end of the phone) is speaking very loudly or speaking to you through a speaker-phone connection, or you are using speaker phone to respond to your guest.
You are in a public place and you are speaking in a low tone but you are in such close proximity to other people and there are many people or one person very close to you. In these cases, you cannot expect privacy.
You cannot expect privacy on your phone -- in public places. If you do, you might be surprised to find out that you have no privacy at all in public places. That is why these places are called, public places. And though you might think it is rude if someone enters your personal conversation, or if someone comments on what you are saying on that phone conversation, you must know that your loudness and your interference into someone else' s personal space (by your loud voice or by your guest's loud voice) is an interference in their privacy.
So, bottom line is that if you do not give privacy, you will not get privacy. If you want a totally private cellular phone conversation, the best thing to do is to go someplace that is not public or get very far away from other people.
React in Your Own Way: It is funny how different people react to different circumstances. Probably the average person might have overheard that loud conversation with those same words and thought it was a threat. My thinking is quite different. I heard it as a debate. Since it is an untrue statement, I heard it as a real debating issue. My first immediate thought, when I heard what that person said, was to respond, just as loudly, with the retort , yes they do, surely they do! Even though that was my first reaction, it was a silent reaction; it was all in my thoughts and I did not express my opinion. I knew that it wasn't necessary to express my opinion right then. Why? Because I knew that more importantly there has to be an article on this. The circumstance was so important. And you sit there wondering why this short conversation was important.
The words of those killed roar like thunder for years after the murders. And sometimes the words of the deceased are so bold and so loud that they can be heard around the country and then around the world. Dead men exclaim, scream, shout and their words are plastered throughout the land until the ends of eternity.
Is there proof? Yes, there is proof. Every day there is proof! Have you heard Gandhi's words in your lifetime? The assassin stopped his physical body but could not silence his spirit or his followers. This leader's words, philosophies, biography and stories are heard around the world. The stories do not stop at the shores of India but they travel on throughout every school in our city and we are not even in India. Indeed dead men talk.
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr: Martin's words are plastered throughout the whole entire United States and throughout our city. We see his name on our schools, on our street signs, in the annual memorial celebrations and at those ceremonies we celebrate his life and the work for peace that he did. Yes, indeed, dead men talk. The healing and intelligent, warm words of Dr. King live on and on and on,even though he died so very many years ago. His name graces street corners, high schools, community buildings and community projects throughout the entire United States of America. And when certain men and women die, their words are long, bold, lasting and strong enough to wake up the rest of the dead in our land.
Dr. Cook: Listen carefully and you will hear all the words of the dead men in our land and listen more carefully and you will hear the voices, of the men who are no longer with us, throughout our entire world. Dr. Cook was a reverend man who spoke on radio about the Holy Bible. He had a morning show on WFME 94.7 on FM radio, quite some time ago. And then, he died. But Dr. Cook's messages and his speaking and his voice live on and on,even though he is no longer here, his words can still be heard on radio. They continued his show after he died.
Dying Man's Confession: Look at the importance of a dying man's confession. These words are held with greatest importance, a dying man's last words are good evidence in court, simply because the man is dying -not because of whom the man is. Each and every day we see the importance of the words of men and women who died, and our nation and our world upholds the messages that these men uttered while they lived and these messages are ushered around the world, in booming voices, in triumphant voices, proving indeed, that bullets, guns, knives and other weapons stop the physical body but have no effect whatsoever on the positive, good spirit of man. You cannot stab integrity, you cannot slay good character, and you cannot murder trustworthiness. Their memories and spirits live on, indefinitely, as their history talks up a storm.
Just A Biological Statement: Never be fooled into thinking that dead men don't talk because that statement is simply not true. If t here is any truth to it this is merely a biological statement but not a social statement , not a statement of defeat. Know that all men and women have a voice, a strong voice after they die. Just listen to the news to be reminded of that. Most of our famous artists were poor and basically unknown while they were alive, and they achieved great fame after they died. Their paintings, usually sold for practically nothing, but after they died, their paintings became so alive, so important and so loud that their messages are and can be and always will be heard and seen throughout this entire world. Who has not seen Picasso's painting of the flowers? Who has not heard of Rembrandt? And what about Chagall? The values and experiences of those who have died centuries ago, are expressed to modern man as he views their work in practically every state in the United States of America. These artists expressed their feelings in full color, oils and watercolors. So not only do they talk but they talk in living color.
Celebrity Death: Let a celebrity die, a celebrity that we haven't heard of in months and you will see tv show after tribute, after movie re-run constantly all week, all month and even longer if the celebrity has been around for a long time. In our land and in our world, some of the most powerful, most lasting, most life-changing voices come from humans who are no longer on this earth. And how does this happen? Simply, yes, there is a very simple answer to that.
Elie Wiesel lives, and yet he brings the words of dead men and women to life in his book, NIGHT , as he tells what happened in the concentration camps. Hitler killed millions of Jewish people, and other people too, but he could not kill the spirit of the Jewish people. Hitler could not tame the human spirit that fought with every breath, to live despite all odds against them. Elie speaks to thousands of people each and every year about what he saw, what he lived through and what was told to him. Elie is the living witness to some of the millions who died. Memorials and ceremonies are held throughout this entire world every year, for the victims who died. And every single year, someone's words reach out of the darkness, to prove the power of human life and strength. Every year, we listen and hear the the true stories of the survivors, and the survivors tell the true stories of those who did not make it out of the camps. And though their bodies did not make it out of the barbed wire fences, their hearts, minds, spirits and stories flew with angels wings over the boundaries to our ears.
Death of A Pope and others:Once the Pope died, there were books circulated, audio cassettes with his words, there were newspaper articles in every country of the world, speaking of the what happened to the Pope. And all over, they reprinted his words, his sermons, his thoughts and his ideas. Even today, on some radio stations you can still hear the Pope's voice. No one stopped the Pope from getting his message out to his people. Rosa Parks, Gordon Parks, Harriet Tubman, they are all dead, yet they all talk.
Family Dies: When your family member passes away, that is not the end of them or their thoughts, words, deeds or life. That person lives on in your memory over and over and will be there until the end of time. No one just vanishes simply because their time on this earth was up. You can get on a bus and remember them. You pass a grocery store and see their favorite fruit and you remember them as if they were right there with you. You remember their words. You remember the things they tried to share with you, the things they told you or things they asked you. No one is dead forever. The actual moment of death lasts for just a few short minutes or moments and then they are living in Heaven or Hell forever, depending on their choices that they made in their lifetimes. We listen to memorials, obituaries, ceremonies, and religious rituals, even from their funerals, they talk. They talk through the tears in the eyes of their families and friends.
I write this article today to encourage people, to bring people hope, to help dry the tears of you if you were ever among those who claimed that dead men don't talk. You know better than that and you are smarter than that than to believe those false words. Dead men bellow! Martyrs watch us from Heaven as we remember them. Dead men's voices, sayings, quotes, philosophies and words sprout out through the cracks of every brick building in the nation, the words creep along train tracks in the South and plunge through the muddy waters of dirty rivers in our land. The words of our ancestors grace the outside walls of our greatest library in Brooklyn, New York, not the words of living people but the words of dead men.
Dead men's words travel faster than the speed of light sometimes, if we just stop, pause and listen very carefully, we will hear Moses say, Thou Shalt Not Kill! The words that were given to us so long ago grace the walls of our courtroom buildings. And what about those that we do not wish to hear from ? There are some dead criminals, who in their last moments just before they were executed, uttered their sorrow, their repentance, their regret for their disgusting crimes. Why do I even mention those? Well, this country is one of equal opportunity so I mention dead criminals because even they speak their mind before they leave this earth and the newspapers will print their words for days if not weeks.
Even dead criminals talk: And more than that, most of the dead men that talk are not criminals. Even those dead men that we do not wish to hear, they talk also. You have all seen the executions of murderers and what newspaper did not print their last words? What victim's family was not haunted by the words of those dead men who spoke right from the electric chair? Dead men talk. What saves our society is that MOST of the dead men in our world that talk are gallant men, wonderful men, creative men, gentlemen, men of wisdom, grace, power and generosity, men who made good positive lasting changes in our land, in our world. Those are the voices that save society.
If anyone is scratching their head and being confused still,if you are still saying, dead men don't talk! Let me be clear that the talking that I am writing about is their words, their biographies, their stories, their memorials, their urns and the words on their tombstones, the street signs with their names on them, this kind of talking, dead men talk!
A Young Boy: And finally, but not least of all, ask the murderers of Ari Halberstam if dead men don't talk. Take an automobile ride over the Brooklyn Bridge. As you come to that stretch of land that the van travelled over, that small area of ramp on the Brooklyn Bridge where Ari was killed, see if you dare say that dead men don't talk. When Ari was killed on the Brooklyn Bridge, when he died, his voice was heard all over our city. The voices of his people, his community and voices throughout our city made sure that his name would remain on that ramp for eternity, and it does. As I ride over that bridge, I see his name, over and over. When they murdered him, they thought that this was the last they would see or hear from him. Little did they know that his name, his story and his memory would shout out from the grave to every person that rides over the Brooklyn Bridge - forever. And, I smile, in relief that these assassins did not silence Ari. Dead men do talk! Spirits live on forever. And their voices will come back to haunt those who committed those crimes against them. That is what assassins and murderers will never understand. That in murdering innocent people, you raise their voices to the loudest that they have ever been. That in murdering innocent people, you lift them up to heights they had not achieved in life, and you permit their voice, their message to circulate all over again, everywhere. Wherever the printed word can go, wherever there can be a street sign or the name of a school, you can hear the voices of dead men.
We strive: What makes our city and our country so great is that we yearn to hear those voices, the voices of the soldiers who were silenced by bullets and knives. Never let anyone convince you that a person's spirit, a human's message ends when their heart stops beating. You know so much better than that.
Go to this site for the story of Ari and go to this site for story of the opening of the museum [] -the ceremony . And come away from there knowing without a doubt that dead men speak.
As I overhead that loud conversation where that one person declared that dead men don't talk, I know the truth in my heart, so I did not respond to it. However, when I am silent, I am not silent for long. Eventually, my thoughts, my words, my opinions and my ideas do surface. Guess it is my style, my silence surfaces in the printed word. And sometimes my silence surfaces on video tapes that are my television shows. I am glad to live in a country where the words of truth prevail, no matter what.
So now that we have re-established the fact that dead men do talk, what will you say after you die? What will your legacy be to your friends and to your family? What will your lasting words be? You are the one in charge of that. You are the one who is making the memories. What kind of memories will you make. What kind of memories are you living, right now? What do you have to say for yourself? If you have a message, make a video and place that video on . You can put your message there for free, no obligation. So post your message and let your voice and your message be heard even after you are gone. But think of this before you post your parting message; Are proud of the story that you bring to your followers? Can you stand tall, confident, and look people in the eye and say, this is my message! This is the story that I bring to the world. ?Are you proud to show that message to your mom, your dad, your children and to all of the rest of your heirs-to-be? Is your message worthy of God's ears? Though dead men talk, the real challenge in this life is to do your best work while you are alive and breathing. That is the ultimate challenge.
Do your best work now. Present something to the world that you are proud of. Because after you are gone, your message stays somewhere, and you have no time, nor any way to change your mind.
For myself, I do not write to try and change anyone, nor do I write to judge someone. I write to learn. From every article that I write, I am educated, again. Most times when we say things to others, usually the message that we are giving outward, is the education that we need to hear for ourselves. Today, and every day, I am educating myself, and if one other person gets anything at all from my writing, that makes me happy too. So, I remind myself again, that today and tomorrow and for every day thereafter, I must present a message to the world that I can be proud of. May I never resort to people pleasing, and always strive to make my God smile.
Updated: April 16, 2008
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"I need you. You need me. I love you. I need you to survive". You read those words. You know they are true. Your eyes tear up at the sounds and the music of that song. Yet you sit there so unconnected with the world. What is up? Recently I saw a video on a site online, and that video, once again, moved me to tears. I saw this video last year and probably the year before,and much time has passed and this year, I did a search and saw the video one more time. And as always, every time I see this video online, I am moved to play the song over and over and over. There is something so reaching about this message.
The pictures in the video are strong, sympathetic; some are strange, some are loving, some are so sad, and some are political. Never have I seen such a collection of different pictures in one video with one single message, and a message so strong that it touches every single human heart in the world. I hope this video circulates around the world at leave ten billion times. Yes, you say, that is a bit much? No, I hope it circulates around the world twenty-billion times and then comes back and begins over.
Though the video shows some pictures from war, and shows some radical and quite graphic pictures, the pictures certainly fit the words of the song and the song and the pictures make brains think in a way that they have not been thinking. All I can say is excellence. Someone guided this person to put these pictures together with this song and it is a complete success.
I write this article to pass the video on to you and would like your comments on the video, the song and what it makes you feel. How are you affected by this song, by this video? Has the message reached you? Have you changed anything in your life because you heard this song or because you saw this video? Please watch the video if you can, and truly listen to the words.
If you cannot watch the pictures, play the video and walk away from the computer and just listen to the words. But do listen . Come back here and comment. And leave a great note for that video maker at the site there.
That is all I have to say except this :
" I need you. You need me. I love you. I need you to survive" .
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Blog, blog, blog, everyone wants to blog. What exactly is a blog? For the most part, a blog is just someone telling a story about someone or something or some place or some activity or some event. That is basically what a blog is. Most blogs have a way that the reader can communicate with the writer of the blog, but sometimes that option is simply not available. What makes blogs interesting is that writers can use their own slang language, whether that is pig-Latin or some other form of language that the writer invents. Even better than that, the writer of a blog can write in a foreign language no matter where he is situated at the time. The basic idea is that the writer goes to the site, provides an email address and then writes his own little stories of life and whatever is in between life and death. Yes, some write about death also. Bloggers will and do write about anything on earth.
Many times bloggers use their space to complain and gripe about the world and its' processes. People will write blogs and complain about the weather, about work, about school, about storms, tragedies, about kitchen equipment. Whatever is around in life bloggers find the way and the means to complain about it in a blog. And, watch out if someone has a beef with you, you just might see the beef online on the net. You will read blogs about people's bosses and people's families and anything at all remotely connected to the writers. And on the other hand, you might see some educational blogs, where some would like to teach others academic lessons. That is the wonderful part of the net that you can see and hear just about anything and everything. (You can hear some blogs if they add videos or audio pieces). Now, just because writers are able to write about almost anything that does not mean that you have to read about everything. After all, not everyone is interested in every subject on earth. And think about it, not everyone is interested in Jack's boss or Joan's uncle. Some write about their personal relationships and others write about their operations. If you see it in the world, you most likely will see it in the area of blogs.
So, what makes the difference between an ordinary blog that anyone (with an email account) can write and an online magazine or literature or academic website? There are many differences, but the largest, most obvious difference between blogs and magazines is the fact that bloggers generally can and will use any language and any type of language (even if such a language is non-existent) that they want to use. Really, no joke, a blogger can make a language up and write in that language. I am not saying that anyone might even read such a blog, but I am stating the possibilities. And it is quite possible that a blogger can make up a language and write in his made-up language. And, that is entirely acceptable by the company that set up the blogger's account. Basically there is no approval process in the blog area of writing. If a blogger wants to write FLUFF, then a blogger writes FLUFF. If a blogger wants to write lies, then a blogger writes lies. There is no approval and no denial process when you are writing or publishing a blog.
Blogs and Online Magazines are Very Different:
Bloggers can write any words they want to write, whether they are true, misspelled false, or whether they are even words or not.
Many times, more than not, usually the blogger is trying to impress someone by writing in a blog.
Blog writings are published almost instantly or as fast as your computer can digest it.
Online magazines are more organized in the fact that, usually, there are chapters, and sections and many detailed divisions that writers can write into.
Online magazines have an official approval or denial process (rules and regulations about which types of writings they will approve or not). (Companies that service and publish blogs have a TOS (terms of service), but many times, bloggers ignore these TOS and some do get away with ignoring them and that leads to more inaccuracies in blogging. Yet, if you want more accurate and truthful information, you might want to go to an online magazine instead of going to a blog. (Yes, there are some blogs that are accurate but for the most part, blogs are usually written for fun or for complaints, rather than for any other serious purposes.
Online magazines are slower, and the approval process could take a day to ten days or more, depending on the online magazine.
Some blogs have spell-check available but most online magazines have spell-check available.
Generally in a blog you can talk and say, "dems and dose --thems and those" and all sorts of fractures of the English language and phrases.
An online magazine is a little more formal in that most of the language is correct English or correct in some other language.
Generally online magazines are more respected and or more accurate than most blogs (due to their approval processes.
Many times in blogs you might see discouraging or even obnoxious remarks in the comments section and some blog writers allow that kind of writing to stay there in their blog.
In most reputable magazines, you will not see anyone calling anyone names or typing derogatory remarks about anyone. just for the sake of complaining. (For example, you might see an article about a defective automobile part in an online magazine but you might see a blog writing about an auto mechanic that the blog writer thinks is "bullish" or "fat" . Do you see the difference? Usually the online magazines are about facts, education, information, and progress, where most blogs (unless they are specialized for education or health) are mere vehicles of complaints and similar actions.
Some blogs are different than personal blogs. There are blogs that corporations set up or that groups set up for personal training or for sharing experience. Recently I came across a blog that was about crimes committed against the disabled. Now, though this is a blog, it is quite a serious one, that is filled with good information, and facts. So probably since some sites have approval systems and or censorship, censorship would be the biggest difference in a blog and an online magazine. You probably could write that Jim is a jerk in side a blog but probably could not write that in an online magazine (unless the name of the magazine was All About Jim)
You, the reader, need to decipher whether you came to read a blog or an online magazine or both. But know when you are reading a blog, that not everything inside a blog is true. Most times in an online magazine, you might see references or notations which will point to the writer of quotes and other statements in the magazine. In a blog, on the other hand, you might see a writing such as , "Mary chopped the cherry tree down in front of my home and I yelled and yelled at her ". Now, the reader reads that and might think, "wow, Mary is naughty for doing that". However, the educated reader says to himself or herself, "Wonder if that is true; after all it sounds like hearsay and after all it is just written in someone's blog".
Yes, you must question the truth always, especially if you do not know the writer. So, question things whether you read them in a blog or in an online magazine. Question everything when it comes to important things. It has been my experience that a lot of the seemingly facts that are written in most blogs are not as exact as the writer would want you to think. So, again, question and question. Never let someone's gossip page change your mind or convince you of something that happened or did not happen. Judge for yourself.
The best blogs are supported by online magazines or by other resources or printed material. As a professional, if I had to make the choice of a blog or online magazine, I would choose the magazine first and write the blog later on.
Some Blogs are Good: The purpose of this article is not to discourage anyone from writing a blog. On the contrary, I encourage everyone to have their own blog. The purpose is to remind individuals and groups that not everything that you read in blogs is the truth. I just wanted to remind the reader that when and if they read something damaging or seriously libelous inside a blog, they need to stop, pause and really think about the process of how that information was obtained and printed. The reader needs to discern whether the blog writer has a grudge against someone or if the so-called facts inside the blog are true or false. That is all this article is about. I remind everyone that if you read something about your Aunt Tilley or about the Secretary of State or about your neighbor inside a blog and if that writing is strewn with angry , upsetting or libelous words, then you know that there is cause for pause. Then pause only long enough to figure out what the real truth is.
In this day and age, just because of quickness and just because everything wants everyone right away, we tend to just read and believe. I am writing to urge people to read and to think. Yes, stop to think. Ask yourself important questions about the writing. And then decide for yourself what you believe is true. Sometimes it helps to check sources, references and or footnotes or even check far back into the referenced literature, but do check. Anyone with an email address can publish almost anything inside a blog. Even people without email addresses can write for blogs if they have a friend who will furnish an email address to them temporarily . Blogs serve a purpose and online magazines serve another purpose. So, choose which one works best for you. If you want to use slang, or make up your own words, then blogging might be the way to go. If you want to have a professional website, be accountable for what you write and print, and if you want to know exactly how many readers you have, then perhaps online magazines, with special features and additions, might be the way for you to go. Choose carefully and wisely and you will be most successful and productive in reaching your goals.
So what are the other differences between blogs and online magazines? There are many other differences. I will get into the other differences in a later article about blogs and online magazines. Most blogs are free and many journals and magazines online are free. I have not yet seen a blog that permits you to automatically make a widget for your articles and yet online magazines, most, have this feature. Some online magazines have single buttons to press for you to print an article or for you to make copies of the article for your own benefit. The differences between a blog and an online magazine are as different as night and day. Decide which one serves your purpose and open that kind of an account.
Any names or personal references used in this entry are merely for example and not related to any living human beings. Any names used in this online magazine are for example only, and the author apologizes for any similarity herein.
Article updated Thursday, May 15, 2008.
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In the interest of saving time, effort and money, I did away with the typical changing of the season's clothing in my own wardrobe. Yes, you heard correctly. Here it is, an easy way to organize your clothing, thumb your nose at the fashion experts and live a life of your own, choosing your own clothing.
By using this particular method, I have done away with having to put away my winter clothes and taking out my summer clothing as I have a system and pattern of living in which all my clothes are good all year round.
You ask, how is this possible. Just by not paying attention to fashion experts and by deciding on my own clothing each day instead of asking the experts what they think and instead of dressing according to the current magazines and current commercials on television, I save the time of the season's change of clothing. All this time is put to better things.
So, how did I do this?
I supply my wardrobe with tank tops and sleeveless tops and I wear these all year round. Yes, even in cold winter days, I am wearing colorful tank tops and sleeveless tops. Only in winter, and fall, I cover up the tank top with a nice, professional-looking blouse or man-tailored shirt. I purchase the zip-off pants and thus have long pants and shorts in one pair of pants. I wear them long in winter and fall and just zip them off in summer and on hotter days. I even dress in my outer-wear in layers. Instead of having a huge, bulky coat just for winter, I used wonderful fleece, lighter jackets under my smaller winter jackets.
Dressing this way, there is no such thing as summer or winter clothing. This has worked for me for years and will work for me for another hundred years if I want it to work that long. So the next time you are out shopping for clothing, consider tank tops, jeans and zip-off long pants that convert to shorts. Check out some reversible clothing and that will save you space in your closets also.
You might even consider checking out the thrift stores instead of going to regular stores. Are you an environmentalist? If you want to save the earth, buy everything used whenever possible. I have found some great brand name clothing in thrift stores, yes, even in the Salvation Army and Good Will. Once on a visit there I saw J. Peterman jackets selling for ten dollars and J. Crew pants selling for seven dollars. You cannot beat prices like that. And the stores had lots of brand-name items and fractions of the new cost. Some of the better stores have clothing that is in good used condition but some actually looked brand-new. When shopping for fashion or just shopping for everyday clothing, hit the thrift stores, garage sales and clearance sales first. You might not need any other stores.
So what do you do to save time and save closet space? Any helpful hints for me and the other readers?
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How long does it take to write an article on-line? What kinds of words that would be on this? How to choose a topic to write about? Sometimes when you think, write, you can get frustrated, especially in times of writers block. They sit and write and write and then boom! All of a sudden makes this strange thing called writers block when you least expect it.
Do not be afraid. This is only a temporary block. When you realize you do notSitting glued to the spot, you can then start to conquer the little writers block. To overcome these temporary writers block, "you must be in writing, made in love. Yes, you read that right. Who is in love with writing all temporary Past Writers Block has received without any problem.
What the writers block? Does anyone really define it? From what we know is about writers block, a temporary event that appears occasionally. And if it is, askTherefore you can not go away. I will give you the answer. Usually, when you try all the past and of writers block, what happens is that you are trying too hard. You try too much in the past, the block of writers who do not even have the problem before you.
Where does writers block here? "Anyone can get writers block" and what is the remedy?
I go to these and other questions and answers in other articles, in the near future.
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