Saturday, 20 February 2010

Television production - Lesson Twenty, Your Choices, Your Life

You would be surprised how the decisions that affect your life and TV programs. Making a choice is a simple action. All must recognize that the decisions of microscopic decisions affect our lives and shows enormous. When you wake in the morning you have the option of how in the world of himself, or you wake up, you hear the news and discover what is in your community, then you're completely ready for a different day.Listen to the message (not the news Gory, but can be), informational messages about the success or failure of the day.

Stay up to date:

For example, if you live in a big, busy city, you can say, time and events surrounding that could change your day. If you live in New York City, you can listen to the news and find out who will be in town. In a day when the president arrives in New York, it's always better to leave the car at home and train, bus or walking to yourTarget. This is a fact, if the President is in town or not, you can change your travel arrangements, and you can add or subtract hours of fruitless journey. Usually the President's Day in New York City, there is universal stagnation. The traffic stops, because the traffic patterns will be re-arranged, the roads are closed and the cars will travel at speeds less than half the normal rate in this city. Listening time can mean the difference between coming to work in a saturatedSuit or come to work looking like the professional you are. To the right start, about what is happening around you or be informed about this, what might happen, he informed. No news service or service forecast is perfect or a panacea, but it can at least an idea of what could happen.

Thus, even the simple decisions, like if we bring an umbrella or may not change the whole day. Even for the purposes of this article speak of the decisions that we speakvolunteers say when another manufacturer.


You can choose to see the most open and the work of people without even asking what is going on the show. This gives you more opportunities for all events, the more time and more days

You can choose to be picky about your volunteer work. This is a good choice, because everything is possible for volunteers, and will affect your reputation as a producer in the community.

YouSelect to throw away your power and let others choose for you. (This is not a good choice, you suffer and probably other manufacturers will suffer if the results are).

You can choose to work for a particular manufacturer, or do not select for particular producers work. Once you are at Community level access for a while ', probably not professional or experienced professional reputation of all and you may think that you can get sufficient information. Stop. YourCommunities instead of listening to gossip or to watch rather than listen to the call, and learn for themselves. Yes, that's fine and is a good idea to ask the opinions of others, but only use them for basic information. So take the opportunity to work with or through the respective manufacturers themselves and make their own decisions on which you learn to work with. Always make your own choices.

You may have set for yourself and use your own moral code orIts appraisal of their participation in your guide when choosing shows at work. (And that helps prayer. 'Even better the guidance of God, prior to receiving the important decisions in your life. And the conclusion which shows, and decide which are certainly important for producers and those decisions will have a huge difference to workers to work in your life.

Selected topics:

So, what are the things to do and will affect the ad and your decisions? In the communityAccess program, you will see many varieties of shows. You can find religious, sports, news, community parades, festivals, nature and much more. You can start by selecting the topics you want to work. For example, you can choose to show only on sports shows or mental work. Which limits the voluntary sector, but also gives great opportunities. You learn a lot about the issues and will be specialized. At times the pay of specializationout.

Select high standards and cleanliness:

I can only recommend this as a start. Start your career in the community to have access to, or in another field of television, by volunteering and showing the work to consumers that have a positive outlook on life. Exhibition that will help people not to put people down. This will lift the whole spirit and an attitude of serious television production community. Because why shouldpeople who want to share? There are some shows that make fun of other people, and there are other shows that promote pornography, hatred and violence. These are the things that need? If not, then ask in full - first - Do you agree there are to see people. Keep your high standards and work with other producers who have their standards. These tasks will make you happy. Yes, it is hard work, but you'll be glad you did these opportunities for themselves. If youHelp, never ever work shows that people humiliate, disrespect for people, because this does not bring good things in your life. There will of course make their own decisions in this area, and this article is an article containing information and ideas that will help you protect your own decisions. My motto is to keep clean. This works for me.

Are you the humiliation of selection?

Yes, you have other options. For you, you might decide that you want to help the otherexhibition (the humble, the people and put people down). However, if you choose, that is your choice. If you choose this direction, I suggest only one thing to be careful. You might notice after a while 'when working on shows that you put other things in your life that you want. You may find that the work-low and demeaning remarks or actions their way into your personal life. They say that you can take your workhome. So, if after work on these shows, the humble man down, or to people when you notice that you start the same thing for people in real life, then you can save your work to take home to be with you and to make television for you in a way that normally would not have allowed the television to you. It's no different if children watch too much violence is their mind what they see involved. A child who sees a murder on television for the first time will be differentReaction to the sight of a murder on the thousandth time you see a murder.

The same with you and your show volunteer. The first time you work on a show that degrades the man, you will have a reaction, but the work in the show himself for weeks, months or years, and this should be the change, probably the worst of your personal life. Each is influenced by what they see and hear and take in their brains. So, make their own decisions, but I know that your decisions will affect yourlife, finally. And 'how positive thinking affects people. The same goes for negative thoughts. Remember, the book that the secret? If you read the book you learn that you do in your life what you choose, and you bring them inside in making your decisions every day. Change the purpose of good and a healthy lifestyle, I suggest you show the work that put the spirits of people. Lift someone up rather than down. What is the key to life and the rule is that theKey to television production well.

After watching the networks, it is preferred as a guest on the show Oprah or you prefer to be a guest on the show Jerry Springer? And that shows what the public demand more respect? What do you want to be your reputation? It 'all in your decisions. Want to see where the hosts and guests raise their minds or want a show where the hosts and guests like clowns and act like fools coming? Yes, it is a place ofPlay in our world, but the comedy, which is refreshing, the comedy, which is able to bring people and increase their spirit, without tearing people down, and without humiliating people, which is always a good comedy . Even if you are working on an entertaining, give your standard and work on these shows humorous that respect for human life and human beings. When at one point, that people carry, ask yourself, do you really want to do it or youbecause she feels that people? Ask yourself, is his volunteer work in harmony with your spiritual and moral values, or do you compromise the values, because you want others to do so. These are questions to ask yourself. If you know the answer to these questions, you've won half the battle, and you're on the road to success, as you do. Above all, remember to take actions, your decisions, not that you intend to take other measures.

To makechoice for you and you can watch television Volunteering great positive impact on your life. The choice you make today, is the choice to make for your life. Your life is important that they are informed of decisions that will bring beauty, education, information and joy in your life.

Your choices matter! Good and healthy choices in your life and your work.

Updated 03 Maggio 2008

Tags : Electrical Power Systems Nitrus Oxide Linux Thread

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